From £520 + VAT
Purpose built, heavy duty quad bike sprayer by SprayTrac with 75L Tank.
- Tank: 75 Litre capacity Polypropylene sprayer tank.
- Pump: 18.5 litre/min
- Mountable and moveable between quads of all makes and models
- Full filtration system: Suction & Pressure
- Full Pressure Control and Agitation
- Glycerine Pressure Gauge
- Control : Front Mounted on/Off Switch (Additional Switch can be fitted for the handlebars)
- Stainless Steel Manifold
- Cam fittings for easily interchangeable accessories
- 2 x Thrower Jets for a 6m spread or 3m each side
- Hand lance (Telescopic or Not) and length of Hose
- Single Nozzle System for footpaths and under fences
- As these are purpose built, pump permitting we can build to your requirements